Name: channelflow Version: 1.3.3 Release: 2 License: GPLv2 Group: Productivity/Scientific/Physics Source: Summary: Numerical analysis of channel and plane Couette flows Vendor: School of Physics, Georgia Tech Packager: John F. Gibson BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot Requires: fftw3 BuildRequires: fftw3-devel gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel octave octave-devel hdf5-devel %description Channelflow is a software system for numerical analysis of the incompressible Navier-Stokes flow in channel geometries. The core of channelflow is an algorithm for time-integration of Navier-Stokes for Fourier x Chebyshev Fourier spectral expansions of velocity fields. This engine drives a number of higher-level algorithms that (for example) compute equilibria, traveling waves, and periodic orbits of Navier-Stokes. The channelflow distribution includes a number of predefined executable programs and a library and header files for the development of custom codes. %prep %setup -q %build %configure make %install %makeinstall strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/* %clean %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc INSTALL README TODO ChangeLog examples /usr/bin/addfields /usr/bin/ascii2field /usr/bin/changegrid /usr/bin/couette /usr/bin/field2ascii /usr/bin/fieldplots /usr/bin/fieldprops /usr/bin/L2Dist /usr/bin/L2IP /usr/bin/makebasis /usr/bin/makeheatmode /usr/bin/makestokesmode /usr/bin/movieframes /usr/bin/perturbfield /usr/bin/projectfields /usr/bin/projectseries /usr/bin/randomfield /usr/bin/seriesprops /usr/bin/symmetrize /usr/bin/symmetryop /usr/bin/arnoldi /usr/bin/findorbit /usr/include/channelflow /usr/lib64/libchflow.a /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %changelog * Thu Oct 2 2008 John F. Gibson