cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(chflow) # Install prefix is set with 'cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=...' # Option to set a path where to look for fftw3 (set via 'cmake -DWITH_FFTW=...') OPTION(WITH_FFTW "Specify path to fftw3" ON) OPTION(WITH_HDF5 "Specify path to hdf5" ON) OPTION(WITH_EIGEN3 "Specify path to eigen3" ON) set (chflow_version_major 1) set (chflow_version_minor 5) set (chflow_version_patch 1) set (PACKAGE_VERSION ${chflow_version_major}.${chflow_version_minor}.${chflow_version_patch}) # Echo an empty line and channelflow version message("") message(STATUS "configuring channelflow version " ${chflow_version_major} . ${chflow_version_minor} . ${chflow_version_patch}) # Handle build type (set via 'cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=...') if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() # Set compiler flags. If you have link errors with undefined references to functions that # are definitely in the libraries (e.g. undefined reference to H5::Attribute::getName() const) # you might be running into changes in the C++ ABI, say having compiled channelflow with C++11 ABI # but linking to HDF5 libs compiled with C++03 ABI. Try adding -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to # the add_definitions(...) for C flags immediately below. string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "Build type: ${BUILD_TYPE}") if(BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL release) add_definitions (-Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG) elseif(BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL debug) add_definitions (-Wall -fno-inline -g) elseif(BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL profile) add_definitions (-Wall -pg -DDEBUG) else() message("Unknown build type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() # Set some include and link directories include_directories ( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ) link_directories ( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/channelflow ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) # RPATH settings # From: SET(CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH FALSE) SET(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH FALSE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) LIST(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib" isSystemDir) IF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib") ENDIF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") ####### Some basic system introspection: type sizes, ######## message(STATUS "Basic system introspection...") include (CheckTypeSize) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(int SIZEOF_INT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(double SIZEOF_DOUBLE) include (CheckLibraryExists) include (CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(drand48 HAVE_DRAND48) ####### Package finding, generics###################################### message(STATUS "Finding packages...") message("") set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/") ######## FFTW ################ find_package(FFTW REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Adding ${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR} to include path...") include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR}) message(STATUS "Adding ${FFTW_LIBRARY} to libraries...") set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${FFTW_LIBRARY}) ######## Eigen3 ################ find_package(EIGEN3 REQUIRED) # (note that eigen is a header-only package, so it doesn't need adding to library path) message(STATUS "Adding ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR} to include path...") include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}) ######## HDF5 ################ find_package(HDF5 COMPONENTS CXX) if(HDF5_FOUND) message(STATUS "Adding ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR} to include directories...") include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR}) message(STATUS "Adding ${HDF5_LIBRARY} to libraries...") set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${HDF5_LIBRARY}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES hdf5) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES hdf5_cpp) # This kludge is required to fix the fact that find_package(hdf5) sets # HDF5_LIBRARY to only <path>/, whereas is needed # Unfortunately CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS doesn't work for C++ due to name mangling # so we just go ahead and assume exists. get_filename_component(HDF5_LIBDIR ${HDF5_LIBRARY} PATH) message(STATUS "Adding ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ to libraries...") set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ # would like to enclose above in a check and if(...) # CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(hdf5_cpp H5Eprint2 ${HDF5_LIBDIR} HAVE_LIBHDF5_CPP) # if(HAVE_LIBHDF5_CPP) # # # endif() # For some reason, user-compiled HDF5 requires these libs, whereas # typical linux package HDF5 does not. Go figure. CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(z gzopen ${HDF5_LIBDIR} HAVE_LIBZ) if(HAVE_LIBZ) message(STATUS "Adding ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ to libraries...") set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ endif() CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(szip szip_compress_memory ${HDF5_LIBDIR} HAVE_LIBSZIP) if(HAVE_LIBSZIP) message(STATUS "Adding ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ to libraries...") set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${HDF5_LIBDIR}/ endif() endif() message(STATUS "LIBS=${LIBS}") message(STATUS "INCLUDE_DIRS=${INCLUDE_DIRS}") # Create config.h from configure_file( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) ####### Compilation ######## message("") # compile libchflow (shared and static) add_subdirectory(channelflow) set(chflowlib chflow) add_subdirectory(programs) add_subdirectory(examples) ####### Testing ######## ENABLE_TESTING() add_subdirectory(tests) ####### Installation ####### install(DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/" DESTINATION "data") ######## Packaging ######## # allows creating distribution package with 'make package_source' set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${chflow_version_major}) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${chflow_version_minor}) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${chflow_version_patch}) set(CPACK_GENERATOR TGZ RPM DEB) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME channelflow) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "A spectral Navier-Stokes simulator in C++") set(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME channelflow-devel-${chflow_version_major}.${chflow_version_minor}.${chflow_version_patch}) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME channelflow-${chflow_version_major}.${chflow_version_minor}.${chflow_version_patch}) set(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR TGZ RPM DEB) add_subdirectory(data) set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/build/" "~$" "obsolete") include(CPack)