This directory, channelfow/programs-adhoc, is for special-purpose programs used to solve particular research problems. To compile and use these programs, 1. Edit the Makefile. Change the value of the CHANNELDIR variable to specify where you installed channelflow. For example, if you configured channelflow with "./configure --prefix=/home/brenda/channelflow", the CHANNELDIR variable should be set like CHANNELDIR = /home/brenda/channelflow If you configured with "./configure --prefix=$(pwd)", you can leave the makefile as is, with CHANNELDIR = .. 2. Compile the program you want. To compile foo.cpp, run make foo.x 3. Copy the compile them individually and copy into $(prefix)/bin. The Makefile is comfigured to compile anything ending in .cpp to a .x executable. For example, to compile foo.cpp and place it in channelflow/bin, cp foo.x ../bin