ChebyCoeff -> ChebyExpan ComplexChebyCoeff -> CmplxChebyExpan BasisFunc -> VectorChebyExpan change ComplexChebyExpan so that f[n] = z works. x change states to that Physical/Spectral x change DNSFlags to enums instead of bools better name for DNSFlags (match NSIntegrator name). ask dietmar about use of q/p for modified pressure . choose good filename extensions for output files add gridpoints() to ChebyCoeff x change flowfield::fourierCoeff to somethign better, shorter. x regularize x y z states or xz y states Use "method" whenever it's apt. Explain somewhere. Add Vector {x,y,z}gridpoints() method to FlowField, ChebyCoeff. Logo,icon for channelflow. x regularize nonbinary DNSFlags check that time-varying bulk vel and press grad work properly x write example for RK3 start-up of a CNAB2 integration. how does NSIntegrator dPdx deal with modified pressure? revise NSIntegrator::advance to match docs on constraint-matching put CNAB2 check in NSIntegrator::advance(u,q,ubulk) change FlowField and Chebyshev IO to print S/P. regularize FlowField slice and profile functions change BasisFunc to VectorChebyCoeff? elementary differentiaion functions on FFs. x .bff -> .ff resetUbulk -> reset_ubulk maybe rename TauSolver move dPdx,Ubulk to DNSConfig and change way NSIntegrator deals w them remove kx=kz=0 perturbations from addPerturbations check skewsymmetric